
Source code for wmtexe.formatting

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Constants and functions for formatting outputs."""

_ATTRS = {
    'reset': '39;49;00m',
    'bright': '01m',
    'dim': '02m',
    'standout': '03m',
    'underline': '04m',
    'blink': '05m',
    'fast': '06m',
    'reverse': '07m',
    'hidden': '08m',
    'xout': '09m'

    ('black', 'darkgray'),
    ('red', 'lightred'),
    ('green', 'lightgreen'),
    ('brown', 'yellow'),
    ('blue', 'lightblue'),
    ('purple', 'lightpurple'),
    ('cyan', 'lightcyan'),
    ('lightgray', 'white')]

_CODES = {}

for (_attr, _val) in _ATTRS.items():
    _CODES[_attr] = '\x1b[' + _val

for (i, (dark, light)) in enumerate(_COLORS):
    _CODES[dark] = '\x1b[%im' % (i + 30)
    _CODES[light] = '\x1b[%i;01m' % (i + 30)

[docs]def format(name, text): """Formats text. Parameters ---------- name : str Attribute name. text : str Text to display. Returns ------- str A formatted text string. """ return _CODES.get(name, '') + text + _CODES.get('reset', '')
[docs]def create_color_func(name): """Creates a function that colors text. Parameters ---------- name : str Color or text attribute. Returns ------- function A function with the color or text attribute name. """ def f(text): return format(name, text) globals()[name] = f
for _name in _CODES: create_color_func(_name)
[docs]def camel_case(text): """Camel-cases text. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to be camel-cased. Returns ------- str A camel-cased string. """ return ''.join(text.title().split())