
Source code for wmtexe.audit

"""Tools for checking a wmt-exe environment."""

from os import path, pathsep
import subprocess

from . import formatting

[docs]def audit(environ): """Check a wmt-exe environment. Parameters ---------- environ : dict Environment variables. Returns ------- str Warnings/errors. """ from os import linesep messages = [] for command in ['TAIL', 'CURL', 'BASH']: messages.append(check_is_executable(environ[command])) for path_var in ['PYTHONPATH', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'PATH', 'CLASSPATH']: for item in environ[path_var].split(pathsep): messages.append(check_is_dir(item)) for path_var in ['SIDL_DLL_PATH']: for item in environ[path_var].split(';'): messages.append(check_is_dir(item)) for module in ['csdms', 'csdms.model']: messages.append(check_is_module(module, env=environ)) for component in find_components(env=environ): module = '.'.join(['csdms.model', component]) messages.append(check_is_module(module, env=environ)) for component in find_components(env=environ): module = '.'.join(['csdms.model', component]) messages.append(check_is_component(module, component, env=environ)) return linesep.join(messages)
def _is_executable(program): from os import access, X_OK, path return path.isfile(program) and access(program, X_OK)
[docs]def result_message(assertion, checking): """Create a color-coded message. Parameters ---------- assertion : bool checking : str Returns ------- str Human-readable message. """ if assertion: return ' '.join([formatting.green(u'\u2713'), checking, 'yes']) else: return ' '.join([formatting.red(u'\u2717'), checking, 'no'])
[docs]def check_is_executable(program): """Check whether a program is executable. Parameters ---------- program : str Program name. Returns ------- str Human-readable message. """ check_message = '%s is executable...' % program return result_message(_is_executable(program), check_message)
[docs]def check_is_dir(path_to_dir): """Check whether a path is a directory. Parameters ---------- path_to_dir : str A path. Returns ------- str Human-readable message. """ check_message = '%s is a directory...' % path_to_dir return result_message(path.isdir(path_to_dir), check_message)
[docs]def check_is_module(module_name, python='python', env=None): """Check whether the input name is a module. Parameters ---------- module_name : str Name of module. python : str, optional Python executable (default is 'python'). env : dict, optional Environment variables. Returns ------- str Human-readable message. """ check_message = 'import %s...' % module_name try: subprocess.check_output( [python, '-c', 'import %s' % module_name], env=env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: result = False else: result = True return result_message(result, check_message)
[docs]def check_is_component(module_name, component, python='python', env=None): """Check whether the input name is a component. Parameters ---------- module_name : str Name of module. component : str Name of component. python : str, optional Python executable (default is 'python'). env : dict, optional Environment variables. Returns ------- str Human-readable message. """ check_message = 'instantiate %s...' % component try: subprocess.check_output( [python, '-c', 'from %s import %s; %s()' % (module_name, component, component)], env=env).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: result = False else: result = True return result_message(result, check_message)
[docs]def path_to_python_module(module_name, python='python', env=None): """Get the path to the given module. Parameters ---------- module_name : str Name of module. python : str, optional Python executable (default is 'python'). env : dict, optional Environment variables. Returns ------- str A fully qualified path, or None on error. """ try: path_to_module = subprocess.check_output( [python, '-c', 'import %s; print(%s.__path__)[0]' % (module_name, module_name)], env=env).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None else: return path_to_module
[docs]def find_components(python='python', env=None): """Get a list of components. Parameters ---------- python : str, optional Python executable (default is 'python'). env : dict, optional Environment variables. Returns ------- list Component names, or an empty list if no components are found. """ from glob import glob path_to_mod = path_to_python_module('csdms.model', python=python, env=env) if path_to_mod is not None: shared_libs = glob(path.join(path_to_mod, '*.so')) return [path.basename(lib[:-3]) for lib in shared_libs] else: return []